Demo 1:
4-е элемента контента, отделенных друг от друга элементом DIV. 1 элемент контента отображается на странице. Два меню пагинации в div определении.
Пример открытия 3-й вкладки из вне переключателя.
Открыть вкладку 3
Demo 2:
6 элементов контента, отделенных друг от друга тегом "P". 2 элемента контент отображаются на странице. Запоминание конечнрго состояния включено. 2-а меню.
RSS Display Boxes
Credits: Dynamic
Tme to get your RSS on! Using Ajax, this script makes it easy to display
RSS feeds from other sites inside DIV containers, by communicating with
a versatile PHP RSS parser called "Simplepie". Each RSS box can be
independently tailored, from the RSS feed to fetch, how many items to
show (and whether to paginate them), to what portions of each entry
(just the "title", or "title" plus "description" etc) to display.
Interstitial Content Box
Credits: Dynamic
An interstitial is a container that appears over an entire webpage
intermittingly to display content in an eye catching way. This is a
Interstitial Box script that uses Ajax to fetch and
display the contents of external pages on your server as an
Omni Slide Menu Credits: John Scheuer
Omni Slide Menu is an super versatile slideout menu that reacts to the
mouse hovering over and out of it. It can be positioned to the left,
top, or right edge of the browser window, supports static positioning,
plus multiple instances of the same menu on a page and more. Very cool.
Custom Cursor Script II (Crosshair mouse
cursor) Credits:
This script adds a custom cursor to your webpage using an
interchangeable image. The result is a custom mouse cursor that can be
modified in anyway your graphic skills take you. Elegant and non
intrusive effect!
Drop Down Tab Menu
Credits: Dynamic
This is a lean CSS tab menu that supports a 2nd level drop down menu for
any of its tabs. It supports subtle yet helpful features such as the
ability to set a default selected tab, hide any element on the page (ie:
a form field) when the menu drops down etc.
Featured Content Slider
Credits: Dynamic
Featured Content Slider makes a slideshow out of arbitrary content on
your page, so users can manually select a content to see or have them
rotated automatically. Pagination links let the user quickly pick a
content to show. Each content is simply normal HTML wrapped in DIV tags
for effortless integration.
Demo 3:
6 элементов контента, отделенных друг от друга тегом "P". 2 элемента контент отображаются на странице. круговое переключение блоков. 1-блок по умолчанию.
RSS Display Boxes
Credits: Dynamic
Tme to get your RSS on! Using Ajax, this script makes it easy to display
RSS feeds from other sites inside DIV containers, by communicating with
a versatile PHP RSS parser called "Simplepie". Each RSS box can be
independently tailored, from the RSS feed to fetch, how many items to
show (and whether to paginate them), to what portions of each entry
(just the "title", or "title" plus "description" etc) to display.
Interstitial Content Box
Credits: Dynamic
An interstitial is a container that appears over an entire webpage
intermittingly to display content in an eye catching way. This is a
Interstitial Box script that uses Ajax to fetch and
display the contents of external pages on your server as an
Omni Slide Menu Credits: John Scheuer
Omni Slide Menu is an super versatile slideout menu that reacts to the
mouse hovering over and out of it. It can be positioned to the left,
top, or right edge of the browser window, supports static positioning,
plus multiple instances of the same menu on a page and more. Very cool.
Custom Cursor Script II (Crosshair mouse
cursor) Credits:
This script adds a custom cursor to your webpage using an
interchangeable image. The result is a custom mouse cursor that can be
modified in anyway your graphic skills take you. Elegant and non
intrusive effect!
Drop Down Tab Menu
Credits: Dynamic
This is a lean CSS tab menu that supports a 2nd level drop down menu for
any of its tabs. It supports subtle yet helpful features such as the
ability to set a default selected tab, hide any element on the page (ie:
a form field) when the menu drops down etc.
Featured Content Slider
Credits: Dynamic
Featured Content Slider makes a slideshow out of arbitrary content on
your page, so users can manually select a content to see or have them
rotated automatically. Pagination links let the user quickly pick a
content to show. Each content is simply normal HTML wrapped in DIV tags
for effortless integration.
Demo 4:
4 элементов контента, отделенных друг от друга тегом "DIV". 1-блок по умолчанию. меню class="flatview" текстовое
Demo 5:
4 элементов контента, отделенных друг от друга тегом "DIV". 3-блок по умолчанию. меню текстовое