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Readme | Row 1 | Row 2 | Row 3 | Row 4 | Row 5 | Footer

Row 1
This example shows how you can scroll to rows within a table.

The script allows you to scroll up or down to the row required
The basic concept is to nest the table in a div with a fixed height and then scroll the div to the row required

Row 2
You do not have to set a height for the TD cells but to get a uniform look for this example I have set the divs height to 200px, the table has a cell spacing of 10px and the TD cells height is set at 180px, this effectively centralises the row.
Row 3
If the value of variable rowStop is set to zero the scrolling stops at the top of the row irrespective of the cell spacing or cell padding used.

If you change the value of variable rowStop to myTable.cellSpacing the scrolling stops at the top of the row minus the cellspacing value as this example shows.

Row 4
You can use colspan as normal
Or have more than 1 cell in a row
You do not have to set a height for the TD cells but to get a uniform look for this example I have set the divs height to 200px, the table has a cell spacing of 10px and the TD cells height is set at 180px, this effectively centralises the row.
Скопируйте и вставте
Внутри тега <HEAD> - </HEAD>
Всё подписано, проблем быть не должно.
Внутри тега <BODY> - </BODY> там где у Вас будет переключатель.
Здесь, думаю, тоже всё должно быть понятно. В информационные блоки можно вставлять любые теги, т.е. в них может быть размещено всё что Вам нужно. Колличество блоков на Ваше усмотрение.
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